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Interface to an Amazon S3 bucket.

All constructors will check for environment variables. Refer to S3Config for valid environment variables.


Using requester-pays buckets:

Pass request_payer=True as a keyword argument or have AWS_REQUESTER_PAYS=True set in the environment.

Anonymous requests:

Pass skip_signature=True as a keyword argument or have AWS_SKIP_SIGNATURE=True set in the environment.

client_options property

client_options: ClientConfig | None

Get the store's client configuration.

config property

config: S3Config

Get the underlying S3 config parameters.

credential_provider property

credential_provider: S3CredentialProvider | None

Get the store's credential provider.

prefix property

prefix: str | None

Get the prefix applied to all operations in this store, if any.

retry_config property

retry_config: RetryConfig | None

Get the store's retry configuration.


    bucket: str | None = None,
    prefix: str | None = None,
    config: S3Config | None = None,
    client_options: ClientConfig | None = None,
    retry_config: RetryConfig | None = None,
    credential_provider: S3CredentialProvider | None = None,
    **kwargs: Unpack[S3Config],
) -> None

Create a new S3Store.


  • bucket (str | None, default: None ) –

    The AWS bucket to use.

Other Parameters:

  • prefix (str | None) –

    A prefix within the bucket to use for all operations.

  • config (S3Config | None) –

    AWS configuration. Values in this config will override values inferred from the environment. Defaults to None.

  • client_options (ClientConfig | None) –

    HTTP Client options. Defaults to None.

  • retry_config (RetryConfig | None) –

    Retry configuration. Defaults to None.

  • credential_provider (S3CredentialProvider | None) –

    A callback to provide custom S3 credentials.

  • kwargs (Unpack[S3Config]) –

    AWS configuration values. Supports the same values as config, but as named keyword args.


  • None


from_url classmethod

    url: str,
    config: S3Config | None = None,
    client_options: ClientConfig | None = None,
    retry_config: RetryConfig | None = None,
    credential_provider: S3CredentialProvider | None = None,
    **kwargs: Unpack[S3Config],
) -> Self

Parse available connection info from a well-known storage URL.

The supported url schemes are:

  • s3://<bucket>/<path>
  • s3a://<bucket>/<path>
  • https://s3.<region><bucket>
  • https://<bucket>.s3.<region>


  • url (str) –

    well-known storage URL.

Other Parameters:

  • config (S3Config | None) –

    AWS Configuration. Values in this config will override values inferred from the url. Defaults to None.

  • client_options (ClientConfig | None) –

    HTTP Client options. Defaults to None.

  • retry_config (RetryConfig | None) –

    Retry configuration. Defaults to None.

  • credential_provider (S3CredentialProvider | None) –

    A callback to provide custom S3 credentials.

  • kwargs (Unpack[S3Config]) –

    AWS configuration values. Supports the same values as config, but as named keyword args.


  • Self


Bases: TypedDict

Configuration parameters for S3Store.

Not importable at runtime

To use this type hint in your code, import it within a TYPE_CHECKING block:

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
    from import S3Config

access_key_id instance-attribute

access_key_id: str

AWS Access Key.

Environment variable: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID.

bucket instance-attribute

bucket: str

Bucket name (required).

Environment variables:


checksum_algorithm instance-attribute

checksum_algorithm: S3ChecksumAlgorithm | str

Sets the checksum algorithm which has to be used for object integrity check during upload.

Environment variable: AWS_CHECKSUM_ALGORITHM.

conditional_put instance-attribute

conditional_put: str

Configure how to provide conditional put support

Supported values:

  • "etag" (default): Supported for S3-compatible stores that support conditional put using the standard HTTP precondition headers If-Match and If-None-Match.

  • "dynamo:<TABLE_NAME>" or "dynamo:<TABLE_NAME>:<TIMEOUT_MILLIS>": The name of a DynamoDB table to use for coordination.

    This will use the same region, credentials and endpoint as configured for S3.

Environment variable: AWS_CONDITIONAL_PUT.

container_credentials_relative_uri instance-attribute

container_credentials_relative_uri: str

Set the container credentials relative URI


copy_if_not_exists instance-attribute

copy_if_not_exists: Literal['multipart'] | str

Configure how to provide "copy if not exists".

Supported values:

  • "multipart":

    Native Amazon S3 supports copy if not exists through a multipart upload where the upload copies an existing object and is completed only if the new object does not already exist.


    When using this mode, copy_if_not_exists does not copy tags or attributes from the source object.


    When using this mode, copy_if_not_exists makes only a best effort attempt to clean up the multipart upload if the copy operation fails. Consider using a lifecycle rule to automatically clean up abandoned multipart uploads.

  • "header:<HEADER_NAME>:<HEADER_VALUE>":

    Some S3-compatible stores, such as Cloudflare R2, support copy if not exists semantics through custom headers.

    If set, copy_if_not_exists will perform a normal copy operation with the provided header pair, and expect the store to fail with 412 Precondition Failed if the destination file already exists.

    For example header: cf-copy-destination-if-none-match: *, would set the header cf-copy-destination-if-none-match to *.

  • "header-with-status:<HEADER_NAME>:<HEADER_VALUE>:<STATUS>":

    The same as the header variant above but allows custom status code checking, for object stores that return values other than 412.

  • "dynamo:<TABLE_NAME>" or "dynamo:<TABLE_NAME>:<TIMEOUT_MILLIS>":

    The name of a DynamoDB table to use for coordination.

    The default timeout is used if not specified. This will use the same region, credentials and endpoint as configured for S3.

Environment variable: AWS_COPY_IF_NOT_EXISTS.

default_region instance-attribute

default_region: S3Regions | str

Default region.

Environment variable: AWS_DEFAULT_REGION.

disable_tagging instance-attribute

disable_tagging: bool

Disable tagging objects. This can be desirable if not supported by the backing store.

Environment variable: AWS_DISABLE_TAGGING.

endpoint instance-attribute

endpoint: str

The endpoint for communicating with AWS S3.

Defaults to the region endpoint.

For example, this might be set to "http://localhost:4566: for testing against a localstack instance.

The endpoint field should be consistent with with_virtual_hosted_style_request, i.e. if virtual_hosted_style_request is set to True then endpoint should have the bucket name included.

By default, only HTTPS schemes are enabled. To connect to an HTTP endpoint, enable allow_http in the client options.

Environment variables:


imdsv1_fallback instance-attribute

imdsv1_fallback: bool

Fall back to ImdsV1.

By default instance credentials will only be fetched over IMDSv2, as AWS recommends against having IMDSv1 enabled on EC2 instances as it is vulnerable to SSRF attack

However, certain deployment environments, such as those running old versions of kube2iam, may not support IMDSv2. This option will enable automatic fallback to using IMDSv1 if the token endpoint returns a 403 error indicating that IMDSv2 is not supported.

This option has no effect if not using instance credentials.

Environment variable: AWS_IMDSV1_FALLBACK.

metadata_endpoint instance-attribute

metadata_endpoint: str

Set the [instance metadata endpoint], used primarily within AWS EC2.

This defaults to the IPv4 endpoint: One can alternatively use the IPv6 endpoint http://fd00:ec2::254.

Environment variable: AWS_METADATA_ENDPOINT.

region instance-attribute

region: S3Regions | str

The region, defaults to us-east-1

Environment variable: AWS_REGION.

request_payer instance-attribute

request_payer: bool

If True, enable operations on requester-pays buckets.

Environment variable: AWS_REQUEST_PAYER.

s3_express instance-attribute

s3_express: bool

Enable Support for S3 Express One Zone.

Environment variable: AWS_S3_EXPRESS.

secret_access_key instance-attribute

secret_access_key: str

Secret Access Key.

Environment variable: AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY.

server_side_encryption instance-attribute

server_side_encryption: S3EncryptionAlgorithm | str

Type of encryption to use.

If set, must be one of:

  • "AES256" (SSE-S3)
  • "aws:kms" (SSE-KMS)
  • "aws:kms:dsse" (DSSE-KMS)
  • "sse-c"

Environment variable: AWS_SERVER_SIDE_ENCRYPTION.

session_token instance-attribute

session_token: str

Token to use for requests (passed to underlying provider).

Environment variables:


skip_signature instance-attribute

skip_signature: bool

If True, S3Store will not fetch credentials and will not sign requests.

This can be useful when interacting with public S3 buckets that deny authorized requests.

Environment variable: AWS_SKIP_SIGNATURE.

sse_bucket_key_enabled instance-attribute

sse_bucket_key_enabled: bool

Set whether to enable bucket key for server side encryption.

This overrides the bucket default setting for bucket keys.

  • When False, each object is encrypted with a unique data key.
  • When True, a single data key is used for the entire bucket, reducing overhead of encryption.

Environment variable: AWS_SSE_BUCKET_KEY_ENABLED.

sse_customer_key_base64 instance-attribute

sse_customer_key_base64: str

The base64 encoded, 256-bit customer encryption key to use for server-side encryption. If set, the server side encryption config value must be "sse-c".

Environment variable: AWS_SSE_CUSTOMER_KEY_BASE64.

sse_kms_key_id instance-attribute

sse_kms_key_id: str

The KMS key ID to use for server-side encryption.

If set, the server side encryption config value must be "aws:kms" or "aws:kms:dsse".

Environment variable: AWS_SSE_KMS_KEY_ID.

unsigned_payload instance-attribute

unsigned_payload: bool

Avoid computing payload checksum when calculating signature.

See unsigned payload option.

  • False (default): Signed payload option is used, where the checksum for the request body is computed and included when constructing a canonical request.
  • True: Unsigned payload option is used. UNSIGNED-PAYLOAD literal is included when constructing a canonical request,

Environment variable: AWS_UNSIGNED_PAYLOAD.

virtual_hosted_style_request instance-attribute

virtual_hosted_style_request: bool

If virtual hosted style request has to be used.

If virtual_hosted_style_request is:

  • False (default): Path style request is used
  • True: Virtual hosted style request is used

If the endpoint is provided then it should be consistent with virtual_hosted_style_request. i.e. if virtual_hosted_style_request is set to True then endpoint should have bucket name included.


Bases: TypedDict

An S3 credential.

Not importable at runtime

To use this type hint in your code, import it within a TYPE_CHECKING block:

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
    from import S3Credential

access_key_id instance-attribute

access_key_id: str

AWS access key ID.

expires_at instance-attribute

expires_at: datetime | None

Expiry datetime of credential. The datetime should have time zone set.

If None, the credential will never expire.

secret_access_key instance-attribute

secret_access_key: str

AWS secret access key

token instance-attribute

token: NotRequired[str | None]

AWS token.

Bases: Protocol

A type hint for a synchronous or asynchronous callback to provide custom S3 credentials.

This should be passed into the credential_provider parameter of S3Store.


Return static credentials that don't expire:

def get_credentials() -> S3Credential:
    return {
        "access_key_id": "...",
        "secret_access_key": "...",
        "token": None,
        "expires_at": None,

Return static credentials that are valid for 5 minutes:

from datetime import datetime, timedelta, UTC

async def get_credentials() -> S3Credential:
    return {
        "access_key_id": "...",
        "secret_access_key": "...",
        "token": None,
        "expires_at": + timedelta(minutes=5),

A class-based credential provider with state:

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import boto3
import botocore.credentials

    from import S3Credential

class Boto3CredentialProvider:
    credentials: botocore.credentials.Credentials

    def __init__(self, session: boto3.session.Session) -> None:
        credentials = session.get_credentials()
        if credentials is None:
            raise ValueError("Received None from session.get_credentials")

        self.credentials = credentials

    def __call__(self) -> S3Credential:
        frozen_credentials = self.credentials.get_frozen_credentials()
        return {
            "access_key_id": frozen_credentials.access_key,
            "secret_access_key": frozen_credentials.secret_key,
            "token": frozen_credentials.token,
            "expires_at": None,

Not importable at runtime

To use this type hint in your code, import it within a TYPE_CHECKING block:

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
    from import S3CredentialProvider

__call__ staticmethod

Return an S3Credential.