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artist property

artist: str | None

bits_per_sample property

bits_per_sample: list[int]

compression property

compression: CompressionMethod | int

Access the compression tag.

An int will be returned if the compression is not one of the values in CompressionMethod.

copyright property

copyright: str | None

date_time property

date_time: str | None

document_name property

document_name: str | None

extra_samples property

extra_samples: list[int] | None

geo_key_directory property

geo_key_directory: GeoKeyDirectory | None

host_computer property

host_computer: str | None

image_description property

image_description: str | None

image_height property

image_height: int

The number of rows of pixels in the image.

image_width property

image_width: int

The number of columns in the image, i.e., the number of pixels per row.

jpeg_tables property

jpeg_tables: bytes | None

max_sample_value property

max_sample_value: int | None

min_sample_value property

min_sample_value: int | None

model_pixel_scale property

model_pixel_scale: list[float] | None

model_tiepoint property

model_tiepoint: list[float] | None

new_subfile_type property

new_subfile_type: int | None

orientation property

orientation: int | None

other_tags property

other_tags: dict[int, Value]

photometric_interpretation property

photometric_interpretation: PhotometricInterpretation

planar_configuration property

planar_configuration: PlanarConfiguration

predictor property

predictor: Predictor | None

resolution_unit property

resolution_unit: ResolutionUnit | None

rows_per_strip property

rows_per_strip: int | None

sample_format property

sample_format: list[SampleFormat]

samples_per_pixel property

samples_per_pixel: int

The number of components per pixel.

SamplesPerPixel is usually 1 for bilevel, grayscale, and palette-color images. SamplesPerPixel is usually 3 for RGB images. If this value is higher, ExtraSamples should give an indication of the meaning of the additional channels.

software property

software: str | None

strip_byte_counts property

strip_byte_counts: int | None

strip_offsets property

strip_offsets: list[int] | None

tile_byte_counts property

tile_byte_counts: list[int] | None

tile_height property

tile_height: int | None

tile_offsets property

tile_offsets: list[int] | None

tile_width property

tile_width: int | None

x_resolution property

x_resolution: float | None

The number of pixels per ResolutionUnit in the ImageWidth direction.

y_resolution property

y_resolution: float | None

The number of pixels per ResolutionUnit in the ImageLength direction.