Tile Benchmarking

Benchmarking titiler plugins


This site contains benchmarking results for titiler-xarray, titiler-pgstac, and titiler-cmr.

Environment Setup

It is recommended to run this project on the VEDA JupyterHub if using datasets generated in 01-generate-datasets/. See instructions on getting an account on the VEDA JupyterHub docs page.

It is the intention of this project that it can also be used to benchmark tiling for arbitrary zarr datasets. Examples are forthcoming.

Use the requirements.txt or environment.yaml to setup a python environment.

mamba env create -f environment.yaml
mamba activate tile-benchmarking


The contents are broken into three sections:

  1. Dataset preparation - prepare datasets for testing titiler-xarray and titiler-pgstac.
  2. Tile generation - test the time required to generate individual tiles.
  3. Load testing - use locust and siege to simulate multiple users requesting tiles simultaneously.