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Bases: Protocol[ListChunkType_co]


    prefix: str | None = None,
    offset: str | None = None,
    chunk_size: int = 50,
    return_arrow: Literal[True],
) -> ListStream[ArrowArrayExportable]
    prefix: str | None = None,
    offset: str | None = None,
    chunk_size: int = 50,
    return_arrow: Literal[False] = False,
) -> ListStream[list[ObjectMeta]]
    prefix: str | None = None,
    offset: str | None = None,
    chunk_size: int = 50,
    return_arrow: bool = False,
) -> ListStream[ArrowArrayExportable] | ListStream[list[ObjectMeta]]

List all the objects with the given prefix.

Prefixes are evaluated on a path segment basis, i.e. foo/bar/ is a prefix of foo/bar/x but not of foo/bar_baz/x. List is recursive, i.e. foo/bar/more/x will be included.


Synchronously iterate through list results:

import obstore as obs
from import MemoryStore

store = MemoryStore()
for i in range(100):
    obs.put(store, f"file{i}.txt", b"foo")

stream = obs.list(store, chunk_size=10)
for list_result in stream:
    # {'path': 'file0.txt', 'last_modified': datetime.datetime(2024, 10, 23, 19, 19, 28, 781723, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'size': 3, 'e_tag': '0', 'version': None}

Asynchronously iterate through list results. Just change for to async for:

stream = obs.list(store, chunk_size=10)
async for list_result in stream:
    # {'path': 'file10.txt', 'last_modified': datetime.datetime(2024, 10, 23, 19, 21, 46, 224725, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'size': 3, 'e_tag': '10', 'version': None}

Return large list results as Arrow. This is most useful with large list operations. In this case you may want to increase the chunk_size parameter.

stream = obs.list(store, chunk_size=1000, return_arrow=True)
# Stream is now an iterable/async iterable of `RecordBatch`es
for batch in stream:
    print(batch.num_rows) # 100

    # If desired, convert to a pyarrow RecordBatch (zero-copy) with
    # `pyarrow.record_batch(batch)`

Collect all list results into a single Arrow RecordBatch.

stream = obs.list(store, return_arrow=True)
batch = stream.collect()


The order of returned ObjectMeta is not guaranteed


There is no async version of this method, because list is not async under the hood, rather it only instantiates a stream, which can be polled in synchronous or asynchronous fashion. See ListStream.


  • prefix (str | None, default: None ) –

    The prefix within ObjectStore to use for listing. Defaults to None.

Other Parameters:

  • offset (str | None) –

    If provided, list all the objects with the given prefix and a location greater than offset. Defaults to None.

  • chunk_size (int) –

    The number of items to collect per chunk in the returned (async) iterator. All chunks except for the last one will have this many items. This is ignored in the collect and collect_async methods of ListStream.

  • return_arrow (bool) –

    If True, return each batch of list items as an Arrow RecordBatch, not as a list of Python dicts. Arrow removes serialization overhead between Rust and Python and so this can be significantly faster for large list operations. Defaults to False.

    If this is True, the arro3-core Python package must be installed.



Bases: Protocol[ListChunkType_co]


    prefix: str | None = None, *, return_arrow: Literal[True]
) -> ListResult[ArrowStreamExportable]
    prefix: str | None = None, *, return_arrow: Literal[False] = False
) -> ListResult[list[ObjectMeta]]
    prefix: str | None = None, *, return_arrow: bool = False
) -> ListResult[ArrowStreamExportable] | ListResult[list[ObjectMeta]]

List objects with the given prefix and an implementation specific delimiter.

Returns common prefixes (directories) in addition to object metadata.

Prefixes are evaluated on a path segment basis, i.e. foo/bar/ is a prefix of foo/bar/x but not of foo/bar_baz/x. This list is not recursive, i.e. foo/bar/more/x will not be included.


Any prefix supplied to this prefix parameter will not be stripped off the paths in the result.


  • prefix (str | None, default: None ) –

    The prefix within ObjectStore to use for listing. Defaults to None.

Other Parameters:

  • return_arrow (bool) –

    If True, return list results as an Arrow Table, not as a list of Python dicts. Arrow removes serialization overhead between Rust and Python and so this can be significantly faster for large list operations. Defaults to False.



Bases: Protocol[ListChunkType_co]

list_with_delimiter_async async

    prefix: str | None = None, *, return_arrow: Literal[True]
) -> ListResult[ArrowStreamExportable]
    prefix: str | None = None, *, return_arrow: Literal[False] = False
) -> ListResult[list[ObjectMeta]]
    prefix: str | None = None, *, return_arrow: bool = False
) -> ListResult[ArrowStreamExportable] | ListResult[list[ObjectMeta]]

Call list_with_delimiter asynchronously.

Refer to the documentation for ListWithDelimiter.


Bases: TypedDict, Generic[ListChunkType_co]

Result of a list call.

Includes objects, prefixes (directories) and a token for the next set of results. Individual result sets may be limited to 1,000 objects based on the underlying object storage's limitations.

common_prefixes instance-attribute

common_prefixes: list[str]

Prefixes that are common (like directories)

objects instance-attribute

Object metadata for the listing


Bases: Protocol[ListChunkType_co]

A stream of ObjectMeta that can be polled in a sync or async fashion.


__aiter__() -> Self

Return Self as an async iterator.

__anext__ async

__anext__() -> ListChunkType_co

Return the next chunk of ObjectMeta in the stream.


__iter__() -> Self

Return Self as an async iterator.


__next__() -> ListChunkType_co

Return the next chunk of ObjectMeta in the stream.


collect() -> ListChunkType_co

Collect all remaining ObjectMeta objects in the stream.

This ignores the chunk_size parameter from the list call and collects all remaining data into a single chunk.

collect_async async

collect_async() -> ListChunkType_co

Collect all remaining ObjectMeta objects in the stream.

This ignores the chunk_size parameter from the list call and collects all remaining data into a single chunk.

obspec.ListChunkType_co module-attribute

ListChunkType_co = TypeVar(

The data structure used for holding list results.

By default, listing APIs return a list of ObjectMeta. However for improved performance when listing large buckets, you can pass return_arrow=True. Then an Arrow RecordBatch will be returned instead.