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Bases: Protocol


copy(from_: str, to: str, *, overwrite: bool = True) -> None

Copy an object from one path to another in the same object store.


  • from_ (str) –

    Source path

  • to (str) –

    Destination path

Other Parameters:

  • overwrite (bool) –

    If True, if there exists an object at the destination, it will be overwritten.

    If False: will copy only if destination is empty. Performs an atomic operation if the underlying object storage supports it. If atomic operations are not supported by the underlying object storage (like S3) it will return an error.

    Will return an error if the destination already has an object.


Bases: Protocol

copy_async async

copy_async(from_: str, to: str, *, overwrite: bool = True) -> None

Call copy asynchronously.

Refer to the documentation for Copy.