
Reasons for never attending school: 2005 - 2006

This layer depicts the most common reason for never attending school by percentage of population, ages 6 - 17 years. The data was broken down into 4 categories, Access, Health, Family and Other, from 11 given reasons. Data was collected during the Kenya Integrated Household Budget Survey from 2005 to 2006 and provided by the Kenya openData, see here for a full process description. Data obtained May 14, 2012.

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Poverty Rate: 2005 - 2006

This layer depicts the percentage of population below the Kenya poverty line of Ksh 1,562 per month in rural areas, and Ksh 2,913 in urban areas per per person per month, based on estimated expenditures on minimum provisions of food and non-food items. Data was collected during the Kenya Integrated Household Budget Survey from 2005 to 2006 and provided by the Kenya openData. Data obtained May 14, 2012.

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Secondary School Locations: 2007

This layer contains the coordinates for all the secondary school locations in Kenya in 2007, along with the name, sponsor of the school, type of school, pupil-teacher ratio and total enrollment, provided by Ministry of Education and made accessible by the Kenya openData portal. Data obtained May 14, 2012.

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Primary School Locations: 2007

This layer contains the coordinates for all the primary school locations in Kenya in 2007, along with the name, sponsor of the school, type of school, pupil-teacher ratio and total enrollment, provided by Ministry of Education and made accessible by the Kenya openData portal. Data was obtained May 14, 2012.

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School Location Density: 2007

This layer depicts the hexagonal density for all the primary and secondary school locations in Kenya in 2007, provided by Ministry of Education and made accessible by the Kenya openData portal. Data was obtained May 14, 2012.

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Change in Secondary Exam Result: 2010-06

This layer depicts the percentage change of students with a passing average from the KCSE 2006 results to KCSE 2010 results, calculated by subtracting percentage passed KCSE exam in 2010 with percentage passed in 2006, aggregated by county. Exams were overseen by the Kenya National Examination Council. Data obtained May 14, 2012.

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KCSE Performance Locations: 2010

The grades database was joined to the 2007 schools database, provided by Ministry of Education and made accessible by the Kenya openData portal, in order to obtain location information. Due to differences in database structure and school reporting conventions, not every school could be joined. The percentages and totals shown on the map are grouped by the Kenyan National Education Council (KNEC) code. For more information, please see here.

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Change in Primary Exam Result: 2010-06

This layer depicts the percentage change of students with a passing average from the KCPE 2006 results to KCPE 2010 results, calculated by subtracting the percentage who passed the KCPE exam in 2010 with the percentage who passed in 2006, aggregated by county. Exams were overseen by the Kenya National Examination Council. Data obtained May 14, 2012.

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Secondary Exam Result: 2010

This layer depicts the percentage of students with a passing average in the KCSE 2010 (Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education), calculated by summing students with grades of C+ and above in the KCSE exam divided by total students who took the test, aggregated by county. Exams were overseen by the Kenya National Examination Council. Data obtained May 14, 2012.

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Primary Exam Result: 2010

This layer depicts the percentage of students with a passing average in the KCPE (Kenya Certificate of Primary Education) 2010, calculated by summing students with scores of 251 and above divided by total students who took the test, aggregated by county. Exams were overseen by the Kenya National Examination Council. Data obtained May 14, 2012.

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Literacy Rate: 2005 - 2006

This layer depicts the percentage of population over age 15 who can read and write. Data was collected during the Kenya Integrated Household Budget Survey from 2005 to 2006, provided by the Kenya openData portal and obtained May 14, 2012.

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Secondary Pupil Teacher Ratio: 2011

This layer depicts the distribution of Secondary students per teacher calculated by dividing total primary enrollments by total TSC 2011 primary teachers, aggregated by county. Data collected by TSC in 2011 and obtained May 14, 2012.

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Primary Pupil Teacher Ratio: 2011

This layer depicts the distribution of Primary students per teacher calculated by dividing total primary enrollments by total TSC 2011 primary teachers, aggregated by county. Data collected by TSC in 2011 and obtained May 14, 2012.

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Secondary Net Enrollment Rate: 2009

This layer depicts the total number of Secondary school pupils enrolled in 2009 divided by total population of secondary school aged children, aggregated by county. Data collected by the Census 2009 and obtained May 14, 2012.

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Secondary Spending Per Capita: 2011

This layer depicts the secondary spending per student, calculated by dividing total county education expenditures estimate by TSC enrollment in Public Secondary Schools in 2011. Data collected by the Teacher's Service Commission (TSC) and obtained May 14, 2012.

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Primary Spending Per Capita: 2011

This layer depicts the primary spending per student, calculated by dividing total county education expenditures estimate by TSC enrollment in Public Primary Schools in 2011. Data collected by the Teacher's Service Commission (TSC) and obtained May 14, 2012.

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