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cql2-rs includes a command-line interface (CLI).


Install from PyPI:

pip install cql2

Or, if you have Rust:

cargo install cql2-cli


At its simplest, the CLI is a pass-through validator:

$ cql2 < tests/fixtures/text/example01.txt # will succeed if the CQL2 is valid
("landsat:scene_id" = 'LC82030282019133LGN00')

You can convert formats:

$ cql2 -o json < tests/fixtures/text/example01.txt

Use -v to get detailed validation information:

$ cql2 'wrong' -v  
[ERROR] Invalid CQL2: wrong
For more detailed validation information, use -vv
jsonschema validation failed with file:///tmp/cql2.json#
- at '': oneOf failed, none matched
  - at '': missing properties 'op', 'args'
  - at '': missing properties 'op', 'args'
  - at '': oneOf failed, none matched
    - at '': missing properties 'op', 'args'
    - at '': missing properties 'op', 'args'
    - at '': missing properties 'op', 'args'
    - at '': missing properties 'op', 'args'
    - at '': missing properties 'op', 'args'
  - at '': missing properties 'op', 'args'
  - at '': missing properties 'op', 'args'
  - at '': missing properties 'op', 'args'
  - at '': missing properties 'op', 'args'
  - at '': want boolean, but got object

cql2-text parsing errors are pretty-printed:

$ cql2 '(foo ~= "bar")' 
[ERROR] Parsing error: (foo ~= "bar")
 --> 1:6
1 | (foo ~= "bar")
  |      ^---
  = expected NotFlag, And, Or, ConcatInfixOp, Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide, Modulo, Power, Eq, Gt, GtEq, Lt, LtEq, NotEq, Is, or IsNullPostfix

Use cql2 --help to get a complete listing of the CLI arguments and formats.